THE KALEIDOSCOPE FOUNDATION gives practical support, advice and training to families who have a child or family member with Autism, including those awaiting an official diagnosis. They support respite care breaks and recreational facilities for persons with Autism and their families and carers – providing facilities for a safe stimulating recreational environment which helps address sensory and behavioural issues.
The Charity will be undertaking many initiatives which raise knowledge of Autism, as well as promote a positive attitude towards people with Autistic spectrum disorders amongst the wider public. Additionally, they will undertake other charitable activities and have formative ideas to undertake projects within deprived areas of Northern Ireland, including projects specifically cross-community in nature and promote good community relations.
The website landing page (web and mobile versions) was designed used the Brand Identity’s colour palette which is very colourful and playful appealing to children. I sourced all photographs and did the colour tinting or special affects in Photoshop. I also came up with the tagline: “WE MAKE THINGS HAPPEN” – it reflects the Creator/Director of the Charity. He is a go-getter and has a lot of passion for this cause and definitely makes things happen. The website is in the process of being completed.